

Somjok Line Sticker

Somjok Line Sticker

2 May 2022

I've created two sticker sets featuring a charming goose named Somjok. My inspiration for Somjok came from a personal connection with geese during my high school years, where the campus was home to many of these birds. One day, while feeling a bit stressed, I found myself walking past these geese. Observing their white, chubby bodies brought a sense of joy and relief to me. This moment was so impactful that I decided to capture it by drawing a goose.

As I continued to sketch, I found that this goose, with its cute and comforting presence, could be adapted into various forms, depicting everyday life scenarios. My aim with these stickers is to offer the same sense of healing and happiness to others that I experienced. The underlying concept of the Somjok sticker sets is 'Somjok can be everything for everyone.' This is precisely why I designed them without words, making Somjok universally relatable and adaptable to any context.